Prof. Dr. Ulrich Reininghaus

Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Central Institute for Mental Health

Prof. Dr. med. Rezvan Ahmadi

Department of Neurosurgery, University hospital of Heidelberg

Priv.-Doz.Dr.  Jamila Andoh

Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Central Institute of Mental Health Medical Faculty Mannheim

Multimodal intervention platform

Research areas:

Digital interventions, Neurostimulation, Neuromodulation

Interventions for chronic pain have shown promises in relieving chronic pain symptoms but suffer from large interindividual variability in efficacy. We aim to provide a multimodal intervention platform in order to facilitate, harmonize, optimize, and validate novel interventions for SFB1158 projects, including digital interventions based on ecological momentary assessment (EMA) as well as invasive and non-invasive neurostimulation methods.

Figure 1 Schema of the intervention platform for the digital interventions, the invasive and the noninvasive neurostimulations methods. The platform provides service to the SFB1158 projects, and optimization / development of the interventions.